1. Disqualifying Medical Conditions (Temporary and Permanent) The examiner must always take into account the condition itself and its severity and symptoms, the progression and episodic nature, and its treatment (side effects and limitations).
    1. Diabetes – Insulin dependent without an exemption or waiver.
    2. Epilepsy – Always (see section on waiting periods/seizure disorders above for further understanding).
    3. Mental disorders
      1. Schizophrenia – Always
      2. Flat or blunt effect – Always
      3. Active psychosis – Always
      4. Multiple personalities – Always
    4. Active drug or alcohol abuse – Always
    5. Vision
      1. Monocular driver – Always without a waiver or exemption.
      2. Any driver that does not meet minimum vision requirement.
    6. Blood Pressure – A Stage 3 BP at the time of the exam is disqualified until it is below 140/90.
    7. Pulse Rates – When above 100 or below 60 may be disqualified.
    8. Cardiac/Vascular Conditions – Most are best practice decision. See sections on waiting periods, required medical testing, and required medical clearance. Any chronic (developmental, acquired) symptomatic condition may be disqualifying.
      1. ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) – Always disqualifying.
      2. Grade 3 or above murmur.
      3. Left ventricular hypertrophy if does not meet minimum required testing requirements, or is symptomatic. See section on required testing.
      4. Cor pulmonale – same as left ventricular hypertrophy
      5. Any condition that does not meet minimum testing requirements (See section on required testing)
      6. AAA (Aortic Aneurysm) or thoracic aneurysm that exceeds 5 cm or there is a greater than .5 cm increase in size over a 6 month time frame.
      7. Intermittent claudication – DQ if the driver suffers pain at rest.
    9. Respiratory conditions
      1. Tuberculosis (TB) during active treatment.
      2. Chronic TB treated with Streptomycin. Always,
      3. COPD with cough syncope.
      4. 2 or more spontaneous pneumothorax on the same side. Always, until surgically repaired.
      5. Bronchiectasis with hemoptysis. Always,
      6. Always.
      7. All other conditions that do not meet testing requirements.
    10. Abdominal, GU and other medical conditions.
      1. Renal Failure – Always
      2. End stage kidney disease – Always.
      3. Hernias – non reducible and symptomatic (pain on exertion). Best Practice decision.
      4. Hematologic, GI, GU disorders based on severity, episodic nature and side effects of treatment. Best Practice decision.
      5. Neoplastic (Cancer) disease – Usually DQ during active treatment.
    11. Orthopedic
      1. Loss or impairment of limb (fixed deficit), without SPE. Always
      2. Any current limitation or disability that may impact the safe operation of a CMV (Best Practices). THERE IS NO LIGHT DUTY ALLOWED FOR A CDL DRIVER.
    12. Neurologic – The following are always disqualifying.
      1. Legally incompetent
      2. Major psychiatric disorder
      3. Aphasia, Alexia,
      4. Dementia – All
      5. Cranial Neuralgia
      6. Diplopia, and Oscillopsia
      7. Nonfunctioning Labrinth
      8. Amnesia
      9. Chronic cluster HA
      10. Migraines with neurologic deficits
      11. Miniere’s disease
      12. Hemineglect
      13. Heminopia
      14. Many Neuromuscular diseases (understand peripherial neuropathy is disqualifying except if it only exhibits a hot/cold deficit)
      15. Brain tumors
      16. Parkinson’s disease
      17. Seizures – discussed
      18. Cerebellar defeneration with Ataxia
      19. Cerebellar ataxia
      20. Idiopathic CNS hypersomnolence and Primary Alveolar Hyperventilation syndrome
      21. RLS – DOES
      22. Severe TBI
      23. TIA on anticoagulation therapy
      24. Any other neurologic condition that has not fully recovered, is not well controlled or has not met minimum waiting periods
    Obtain a medical clearance letter specific to your condition or treatment. Go to the Pass My Physical Q&A to find out what is needed before you go. Continue to Pass My Physical Q&A.